Happy 4th Birthday to Jodie Aldred Photography! (August 26th) Although I feel I shouldn’t be celebrating because I have such a long list to edit… that is exactly what I should be celebrating!


4 years ago, I decided I was young, had a passion to learn photography and what did I have to lose?! I knew I loved agricultural, I just wasn’t sure where my place was in the industry, given being at home on the farm wasn’t a full-time option.


Something about it felt right for once, and for once I didn’t overthink the journey or the places it could take me… I just went with it and it continues to surpass any career I ever once pondered for myself. It has led me into so many opportunities that I will forever be thankful for!


Creating memories that last a life time will always make me feel so fulfilled. Life can change so fast and to have moments frozen in time is something irreplaceable. Whether it’s seeing how much the farm has changed, how much your kids have grown or to hold onto smiles that once were, every phase in life is worth capturing and it’s never regretted!


There are times I have also photographed, knowing it is the last time… the last time a barn will be standing in the rear view, or the last possible time an entire family is able to be together before smiles pass on.


I have cried with families before, and I have laughed with strangers to the point of tears as well!


Every year that passes I am constantly amazed at the support from existing friends and those I call new friends through business!


I will be the first to tell you I hate sitting at a computer. However, when I sit and edit all the candid moments, it makes me smile knowing it will forever be a memory to look back on. 


A few things I’ve been able to learn throughout the last three years & things that remain true:


-       The sooner you know your worth, the better

-       Do not let your business overtake you.. still leave time for you

-       For every less-than-ideal client, there’s always 10x more great clients

-       People (for the most part) are amazing

-       Everyone has a story

-       Make families take the “awkward” photos, they won’t regret it. Aka make families act like they love each other for one hour. Even if after 20 years of marriage, couples think it’s awkward to hold hands! Or even if they were all mad at each other prepping for the photo shoot an hour earlier.

-       Take the time to get to know your clients, you’ll be happy you did!

-       Dream of where you want your business to go... but also reflect on how far it’s come

-       Putting time into friends and family is just s important to the success of your business, as the time put into your business is 

-       Do something good with your skill set

-       Print the photos

-       Push yourself into goals

-       Embrace the failures

-       Understand that life happens and goals don’t always happen on the original timeline

-       Always BE YOU

-       And last… always check to make sure your tailgate is up before driving away 🙃🤦🏼‍♀️


I think we all naturally keep becoming better versions of ourselves as time goes on. And I must say life has a way of handing you exactly what you need it when you need it. I don’t think I can think of a job better suited to my personality.


I get to run around fields and barns etc. Every day is new and exciting. The outgoing side to my personality gets faced with a new challenge every session where I get to crack people’s comfort zones and have them laughing by the end. And the empathetic side of me gets to capture all the little memories.


Here’s to year 4. I’m excited for the things I will learn, the opportunities that may arise and of course another year of connecting with amazing people to make memories!


To every single supporter,

Thank you, Thank you , Thank you!


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